The prostate is a small endocrine gland found between a man’s penis and bladder, which primarily responsible for the production of the fluid that nourishes and protects the sperm. While most men live their lives without giving a second’s thought to this small gland, prostate plays a key role in a man’s reproductive health.
You might have already heard about prostate enlargement and how it affects the male body. More often than not, prostate enlargement is a natural occurrence that happens with age. However, in some people, the gland showcases abnormal behaviours and cellular growth which is called as prostate cancer.
In this blog, we will learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.
When to suspect prostate cancer
Similar to the case of a normal enlargement, a cancer will also cause an enlargement of the gland, leading to frequent urination in men. This is followed by painful urination, hematuria (blood in urine) and an onset of erectile dysfunction.
Even without any evident symptoms, urologists recommend men to undergo prostate cancer screening after the age of 50 or sooner if they already have the risk factors. The screening usually involves one of the two following methods-
Digital rectal exam (DRE), during which a urologist physically examines the shape, size and shape of the gland by inserting a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test requires a blood sample, which is analyzed for PSA in the bloodstream. If the antigen is present in higher than normal level, it indicates the presence of an infection, enlargement or cancer of the prostate.
If our urologist finds abnormalities in the initial screening processes, the patient is then recommended to undergo further tests like ultrasound, tissue collection and biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
Treating prostate cancer
Once the diagnosis confirms the cancer, our urologist will recommend the best treatment plan depending upon the stage of cancer, age and life expectancy of the patient, other serious health conditions, the likelihood of treatment success and most importantly, the patient’s opinion on the matter.
Once all these matters are taken into consideration, the doctor will suggest treatments like surgery, radiation therapy, cryotherapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy or vaccine treatment. Once again, the results will depend upon the patient’s health and mindset during the time of the treatment.
Although people have an innate survival instinct, some people, especially older patients or the ones whose cancer is advanced might decide not to get treated at all. Once again, the final decision is left to the patient after discussing the matter with our urologist in Dubai. If he or she chooses not to treat the cancer, they can still get pain and palliative care to help deal with the pain and other symptoms.