Dr. Shawket Alkhayal

Bringing expertise and compassion to urological care in Dubai
Dr. Alkhayal is a UK trained, board certified Consultant Urologist and Andrologist with more than 30 years of experience. He has Masters Degree in Urology from UCL and fellowship of the Royal college of Surgeons in Urology. Dr. Alkhayal was the Honorary Consultant Urologist at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals and the head of the Urology Department at Benenden Hospital in Kent.
He moved to Dubai in 2013 as the head of the Urology department at the American Hospital. A year later he established Alkhayal Medical Centre in Dubai Healthcare City, which later merged with Novomed Centers to form Novomed Men’s Health Clinic for Urology and Andrology.
Internationally Recognized Tutor For Andrological Treatments
He is a mentor and well known international speaker in several national and international urology conferences.
- Novomed Surgical Hospital
- The American Hospital Dubai
- The American Hospital Dubai
- Emirates Speciality Hospital, Dubai
- The Mediclinic City Hospital Dubai
- The Benenden Hospital, Cranbrook, Kent UK
- The Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton UK
- Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath UK
- MB,Ch.B – Baghdad University College of Medicine 1991
- UK PLAB,- General Medical Council UK 1998
- MRCS – Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 2001
- MSc Urology – University College London 2004
- FRCS(Urol) – Fellowship of the Royal college of Surgeons in Urology 2008
- CCT UK Board Certified in Urology 2009
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
- Member of the European Association of Urology
- Member of the Emirates Urological Society
- Member of the International Society of Sexual Medicine
- Member of the European Society of Sexual Medicine
- Dubai Healthcare City Authority
- Dubai Health Authority
- UK GMC Specialist Register
- CCT UK Board Certified in Urology
- Arabic
- English

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“Excellence in healthcare can only be achieved with accurate diagnosis and high quality personalized treatments”
“Continuous learning and innovation is the key to long term success”
– Dr Shawket Al Khayal