For most men, as they age, the nightly bathroom visits are one of the first signs of having an enlarged prostate. These bathroom trips, although quite often, may not be satisfying either. The common symptoms of the condition include trouble urinating, leaking and dribbling. Most urologists consider prostate enlargement as a by-product of getting old.


Prostate Enlargement is commonly called benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). It is a benign or non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. The prostate cells gradually multiply and increase in size and put extra pressure on the urethra. With the urethra narrowed, the bladder has to put more pressure for the urine to exit the body.


Although prostate enlargement as such is a very common condition in men, the condition can lead to urologists in Dubai are of the opinion that it paves way for urinary troubles including inconsistency, hematuria, frequent urinary infections and such.


How prostate enlargement leads to urinary issues

As the bladder muscles become stronger, thicker and overly sensitive as a result of being under pressure from the adjacent enlarged prostate, it begins to contract even small amounts of urine. This causes men to feel the need to frequently urinate. However, the bladder muscle cannot override the effects of the narrowed urethra, so even though the urge remains, urine remains in the bladder and is not completely emptied.


When the bladder is not completely emptied over longer periods, men are at more risk of developing a UTI. Other serious issues that can develop over time other than the ones mentioned before are bladder stones and acute urinary retention.


Most men wait months, even years before consulting their urologist in Dubai. In reality, it is recommended that you must immediately go for consultation when there is a sudden unexplained inability to urinate as this could be the start of prostate enlargement and related issues on your bladder.


Treating prostate Enlargement

There are medications available for treating an enlarged prostate. These medicines either reduce the size of the prostate or stop the abnormal growth of cells. For most men, this is highly effective with little to no side effects.


Alpha Blockers –

Alpha blockers are quite effective in relieving the symptoms of prostate enlargement related issues. Thes drugs relax the muscles around the prostate and bladder neck, allowing the urine to flow with more ease. They are most effective in men with moderately enlarged prostate glands. However, the drugs have possible side effects like a headache, stomach irritation and stuffy nose. Further, these drugs are not prescribed for men with significant urine retention and are frequently prone to urinary tract infections.


5- Alpha-reductase inhibitors –

These are a group of drugs which can partially shrink the prostate by reducing levels of a male hormone – dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – which plays a role in prostate growth. As these drugs take longer to work than alpha blockers, improvements are noticed only with time. These drugs are usually used to reduce the need for prostate surgery. 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitors are known to have possible side effects like erection problems, reduced sexual desire and a reduced amount of semen. These effects usually go away once the medication is discontinued.


Minimally Invasive Procedures

There are minimally invasive procedures to help shrink the prostate. Procedures like the Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) or the Transurethral radiofrequency needle ablation (TUNA) uses various types of heat energy to shrink a portion of the prostate. These procedures are very effective, giving immediate results.


Surgical solutions

For men with very enlarged prostates, urologists in Dubai sometimes recommend a surgical solution for enlarged prostates. Your surgeon will do a complete evaluation of your condition before deciding which procedure is best for you.

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)-

This is one of the common procedure for enlarged prostate, which brings a visible reduction in its symptoms. In this procedure, only the tissue growth that is pressing against the urethra is removed, allowing the urine to flow with ease. The highlight of TURP is that it requires very less time to recover post-surgery.


Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) –

TUIP is a procedure where a cut is made on the prostate to reduce pressure on the urethra making urination easier. Most patients can go home on the same day by wearing a catheter for a day or two.


Laser Surgery –

Using high energy vaporizing laser, prostate tissues are destroyed. This procedure is done under general anaesthesia and will require you to stay overnight in the hospital. Although immediate recovery is seen, it men usually suffer from painful urination for a few days.


Open Prostate Surgery (Prostatectomy) –

Urologists in Dubai recommend going for a prostatectomy only when a transurethral procedure is out of the question for the patient. Open surgery involves an incision in the abdomen, allowing the surgeon to remove part of the prostate tissue. The procedure is done when the enlarged prostate has damaged the bladder, or if the urethra is narrowed or in case there is a presence of bladder stones. As a major surgery, recovery will take a few weeks to several months.


If you suffer from any of the symptoms connected to an enlarged prostate, consult your urologist in Dubai at the earliest for curing your condition.