July 26, 2024 | Blog

Exosome therapy: A breakthrough in the management of male erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be a devastating condition for many men, causing them to experience a significant reduction in sexual function and quality of life. Despite the availability of conventional treatments, such as medications and surgeries, these treatments often come with unwanted side effects or have limited efficacy. However, there is a promising new treatment option […]

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January 14, 2024 | Blog


A urinary catheter is a soft tube that is usually placed through the urethra (water-pipe) into the bladder to provide drainage of urine when normal bladder function is impaired. An indwelling catheter (a catheter that stays in the bladder) drains either into a bag or via a tap. Why might I need a catheter? Urinary […]

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January 14, 2024 | Blog

Postcoital Neurochemistry: The Blues and the Highs

In this blog we’ve explored neural function during different stages of the sexual cycle: arousal and orgasm. Now we’ve reached the more mysterious and less-studied part of the cycle: post-coital resolution. When we think about sex, we think about the approaching, the act, the fireworks of climax… and then we usually stop there. Makes sense, […]

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January 14, 2024 | Blog

Growth hormone, performance, and aging

Human growth hormone benefits, facts and fiction Can human growth hormones really benefit aging, like the elusive fountain of youth? Few men today believe in miraculous waters, but many, it seems, believe in the syringe of youth. Instead of drinking rejuvenating waters, they inject human growth hormone to slow the tick of the clock. Some […]

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January 14, 2024 | Blog

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Is It Right For You?

Men with a low sex drive, fading energy, mood changes and erectile dysfunction may have low testosterone levels, also known as low-T. However, these symptoms can be caused by other reasons (multi-factorial). Ongoing research is trying to determine what symptoms go with low-T. So while there are a variety of medications to treat low-T, not […]

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